The Ritchie Boys
"The Ritchie Boys" is the untold story of a group of young men who fled Nazi Germany and returned to Europe as soldiers in US-uniforms. They knew the psychology and the language of the enemy better than anybody else. In Camp Ritchie, Maryland, they were trained in intelligence and psychological warfare. Not always courageous, but determined, bright, and inventive they fought their own kind of war. They saved lives. They were victors, not victims.
Award for The Ritchie Boys at Palm Beach Jewish Film Festival
"The Ritchie Boys" was received the Audience Favorite Aword for Best Documentary.
Award for The Ritchie Boys at Hong Kong Jewish Film Festival
"The Ritchie Boys" was the Hong Kong Jewish Film Festival Audience Award (Documentary) winner receiving a score of 9.05 out of 10.
Award for The Ritchie Boys at Jerusalem Festival
Christian Bauer«s latest film "The Ritchie Boys" received the Jerusalem Municipality Prize in the Category of Jewish experience at the Jerusalem International Film Festival 2005.
"The Ritchie Boys" on German Television
The Ritchie Boys will be shown nationwide in Germany on ARD, Channel 1, on May 9 at 9:45 pm. The film will be broadcast in a short version of 45 minutes under the title: "Hass auf Hitler: Die Ritchie Boys".
Book about "The Ritchie Boys" published on April 12
Together with Rebekka Goepfert director Christian Bauer wrote the book "Die Ritchie Boys. Deutsche Emigranten im amerikanischen Geheimdienst".
"Die Ritchie Boys", published by Hoffmann and Campe, will be available in German book stores and via the internet by April 12, 2005.
Tuesday, May 3, 2005, 7 p.m.
Series 60th anniversary of the end of WW II
In presence of Ritchie Boy Guy Stern and director Christian Bauer
B.A.Z. Amerika Haus
Munich, Germany
The Ritchie Boys Forum
This forum offers everybody interested in "The Ritchie Boys" the opportunity to express their thoughts and opinions. Former Ritchie Boys can share their experiences and look for old pals.
The Ritchie Boys shortlisted for Academy Awards
Christian Bauer's latest film The Ritchie Boys is shortlisted for the Academy Awards 2005 in the category of Best Documentary Feature.
Academy Announces Documentary Films
'Ritchie Boys' to be shown at former fort
Tuesday December 28, 2004
CASCADE - Some of the men who trained in psychological warfare at the former Fort Ritchie U.S. Army base during World War II and who are featured in the Oscar-eligible "The Ritchie Boys" documentary have been invited to the film's free screenings next month in Cascade. |
a film by Christian Bauer
Unfortunatelly it is no longer possible to buy DVD/VHS